IB DP now open for the July 2015 session
AAIS has been authorised to run the IB Diploma Programme. Student in-take for the IB DP now open for the July 2015 session.
Trans – Disciplinary Theme Day
Trans – Disciplinary Theme Day held on the 4th of September, 2015, took off on a vibrant note with grades 1-11 participating in all their fervor. An array of color was splashed around with the theme – “The Whole 9 Yards”. Parents were seen jostling in and out of the campus, a spectacle to be witnessed, as each teacher represented […]
Sports Day 2015-2016
The 4th Annual Sports Meet @ AAIS was conducted on 5th Feb, 2016. The day started off with the finals of track events. With the momentum rightly set, the children marched smartly to welcome the chief guest, Mr. Rajendran Mani, a world renowned physique sports champion. The march past was followed by the torch lighting ceremony, the torch bearers being, […]
PYP Exhibition
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR GRADE 5 STUDENTS FOR A VERY SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITION This year Grade 5 students had their PYP Exhibition with the theme ‘Sharing the Planet’. They chose deforestation as a global issue and explored that ‘Plants are required for our existence and in order to fulfil our needs’. For six weeks, students explored this unit. They planned, they researched, they […]
Independence Day
The whole air reverberated with the spirit of patriotism, to the tunes of “Vijayi Vishwa Tiranga Pyara, Janda Oncha Rahe Hamara “celebrating the 67th Independence day. The Indian Flag was hoisted at 8.00 a.m. After saluting the flag, students and teachers paid respect to and remembered the great leaders who were instrumental in establishing the constitution that makes our country […]
Sports Day
The 5th Annual Sports Meet at Akshar Arbol International School is coming up. A range of track and field events are being planned for students of all grades across both our campuses. In the first ever battle against the student houses Jal and Agni, we are all waiting to see who lifts the first ever rolling trophy!
Earth Day Celebrations
Watch this space for more updates as our students take on issues that plague our planet today!
PYP Exhibition
Our students of Grade 5 have just begun their inquiry into How We Express Ourselves, that will culminate at the annual IB Primary Years Programme Exhibition in the third week of January. The exhibition is an independent unit of inquiry that is completely lead by students completing their primary school, shortly entering Grade 6. This year students have decided to […]
Curriculum Matters..It does matter!
Come, visit us and partake in a discussion on a Saturday morning, on matters pertaining to curriculum, syllabus, international programmes and transitioning from school to college. To participate in the next session on Curriculum Matters click here.
Sports Day
The 6th Annual Sports Meet at Akshar Arbol International School is coming up. A range of track and field events are being planned for students of all grades across both our campuses. In the first ever battle against the student houses Jal and Agni, we are all waiting to see who lifts the first ever rolling trophy!