Choice in your backpack, Indian Express
Choice in your backpack, Indian Express(18th April 2014). Children may be rejoicing the end of term, but parents are just getting ready to put the city’s schools to the litmus test, in readiness for the next academic year. With traditional syllabuses competing with alternative education—that extols home schooling and a democratic approach (voluntary attendance, anyone?)—there’s plenty to choose from. Also […]
Karunai Illam
Earth Day was celebrated in Akshar Arbol and the proceeds from this Earth day was collected and donated along with the contribution made by the students and teachers. The money was used for painting the rooms at Karunai illam, an orphanage in Saidapet that caters to the poor children’s needs.
AAIS becomes the first school in Chennai
AAIS becomes the first school in Chennai, authorized to offer the IB Primary Years Programme. Thank you, parents and well-wishers for your continued support.
Danger of Dengue
Corporation of Chennai conducted an awareness programme on the "Danger of Dengue" to the students of AAIS. The focus was to educate children on cleanliness and hygiene. Through this programme, children gained an exposure to the dangers of dengue. They were able to understand their role in ensuring hygenic surroundings and the simple, yer effective ways to prevent the deadly […]
AAIS partnered with Kaivalam
AAIS partnered with Kaivalam - World Craft Council to run a programme on Shell Art. The fundamental idea of this session was to provide students an expisure to a traditional Indian art form. Students made various pieces of art using shells. Beginning with simple designs, they moved on to making complex animals using shells.
IB Regional Network meet at Bangalore
IB PYP Coordinator Prabha Dixit and ELC Coordinator Latha Muthukrishnan attended the IB regional network meet at Bangalore. It was a day well-spent, interacting with IB officials and other PYP practioners from South India and sharing notes on good classroom practives, inquiry-based teaching and additional language teaching in the PYP. Besides, Prabha attended the 'Approches to Learning' presentational by Ms. […]
INTACH Architectural Splendours Exhibition
Primary school students visited the INTACH Architectural Splendours exhibition to extend their classroom learning on history. This was a "Tuning In" activity to explore how ancient artefacts provide information about present-day life. This, finally culminated in the IB PYP Exhibition, where students show-cased their learning through the unit.
Students of Grades
Students of Grades 4 & 5 had a day-out with students of Karpagavalli Vidyalaya at Mylapore, interacting with them and exchanging "notes". They made friends rather quickly and found several common areas of interest, where they could share and exchange ideas.
Face-To-Face and online workshops in anticipation of the Diploma Programme
Our IB Diploma Programme teachers have been busy going back to classes, as students! Our Head, Dr. Banumathy Gopalakrishnan, IB DP Coordinator, Priya Dixit and two other teachers attended face-to-face and online workshops in anticipation of the Diploma Programme shortly kickstarting at AAIS.
Year-end party for the faculty and their families
Year-end party for the faculty and their families was held at the T.Nagar Social Club. It was a meet-and-greet evening, where the AAIS staff and their families spent time interacting with the Advisory Board, over dinner.