AAIS is committed to make the students socially and emotionally mature as they grow academically strong. Heard about PLOGGING before ???It’s a combination of jogging and picking up litter. That’s what Ramanujan of IBDP 1 has chosen as one of his CAS projects. He chose to plog in one of the less explored beaches of Chennai. In his words, “The experience was quite riveting as I was surprised by the amount of trash a beach may have since this is my first plogging experience on a beach. We learned that beaches are one of the most vulnerable places to pollution, especially to plastics as aquatic life can be severely affected. This made my team and I more connected to the project and helped us carry on cleaning the beach while jogging to keep ourselves and the environment fit at the same time. Furthermore, we also reflected on our actions. We were shocked to see how polluting the beaches, the roads and other landmarks impact greatly on public health and environment” The team is committed to making a change so this will continue in the coming months too.